Cambridge Primary
Why study the Cambridge Primary Education programme at KING'S?
Course Overview - Core Subjects
Course Overview - Elective Subjects
General Studies
Speech & Drama
Physical Education
Art & Design
Islamic & Moral Studies
Malay as a Foreign Language
Cambridge Primary Progression Tests
These tests provide valid internal assessment of knowledge, skills and understanding in English, Mathematics and Science.
The tests:
Enable learning to be assessed each year, provide detailed information about the performance of each learner for years 3, 4, 5 & 6, enable teachers to give structured feedback to learners and parents, enable teachers to compare strengths and weaknesses of individuals and groups and come with clear guidance, standards and mark schemes.
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint is designed to assess learners at the end of Cambridge Primary. The subjects available are English, English as a Second Language, Mathematics, and Science. It gives valuable feedback on learners’ strengths and weaknesses before they progress to the next stage of education and provides schools with an external international benchmark for learner performance. Each learner receives a statement of achievement from Cambridge. Teachers use the feedback from Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests to make strategic decisions, drawing upon a pool of information and specialist reporting tools that are built into the tests. This will enable teachers to tailor individual learning programmes, monitor group and individual performance, and compare the performance of all learners taking tests in that session.